
Ghadi Sleiman – Pianist & Vocalist

*An interior architect, a painting passionate
*Studied contemporary piano and singing
*Currently majoring in Jazz performance at the Australian International Conservatorium of Music AICM
*Director of Music at the 70,000 parishioner congregation Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral Harris Park where he conducts 3 official choirs and organizes as well as performs in all major parish concerts and events
*Director of the Maronite Diocesan Youth Choir – Eparchy of St Maroun – Australia
*Performed for 7 years with the renowned 50-singer Qadisha Choir in Lebanon 1999-2006
*Performed with Qadisha Choir at the international festival of Ehdeniyat 2004
*Led the Band and Choir for the welcoming event of the WYD’s icon and cross to OLOL in 2008
*Led the Band and Choir for the very known Christian Vocalist Nizar Fares in his Australian tour 2013
*Led the Band and Choir for the very known Christian Vocalist Fr Hovig Boudakian in his Australian tour 2014
Lara Sleiman – Vocalist
*Studied modern singing at the National Lebanese Conservatorium of Music
*Majored in Theatrical performance at the Lebanese University 2000-2003
*Was a member of the official band of Majida El Roumi in “Beirut 2000″ concert that marked the reopening of Downtown Beirut
*Was selected among the top 7 Lebanese auditionees from 200,000 contestants in Star Academy Show 2004
*Performed for 4 years with the renowned 100-singer Agapee Choir in Lebanon 1999-2003
*Performed for 4 years with the renowned 80-singer ‘Les Jeunes Amis’ choir in Lebanon that is conducted by Maestro Abdo Mounzir 1995-1999
Ziad Beylouni – Guitar
Charbel Chelala – Vocalist
Pascale Takchi – Vocalist

*Studied Vocals at “Agius School of Music & Arts”

*Performed for 7 years with the renowned 40+ singers CHORAL ROSAIRE Choir in Lebanon 1995 – 2002

*Performed with the renowned 50+ singers “Notre-Dame University Choir – Louaizé/ Lebanon” which is formed from a number of professionals as well as students of the School of Music under the direction of the Choirmaster & Composer Reverend Fr. Khalil Rahme

*Member of St George Parish Choir Sydney Australia for more than 3 years

*Member of OLOL Cathedral (Harris Park Sydney/ Australia) Choir from 2006 until present

*Member of the official Maronite Diocesan Youth Choir – Eparchy of St Maroun – Australia from 2014

*Performed with Our Lady of Lebanon’s Cathedral Choir for the welcoming event of the WYD’s icon and cross at OLOL in 2008

*Performed with the Maronite Diocesan Youth Choir at the Youth Event for the visit of His Beatitude Mar Bechara Boutros Cardinal Al Rai in 2014

*Performed with Choir for the very known Christian Vocalist Fr Hovig Boudakian in his Concert in 2014

Aaron Bugo – Percussionist
 • Aaron has developed a keen sense of musicianship, creativity and thoughtfulness towards music during the past 8 years, having accomplished two degrees in music – one at UWS & the other at self-acclaimed AMPA. His current focus is now targeted at studying a masters degree to become a music teacher in secondary school.
• Teaches a variety of instruments with a heightened sense of the student and their needs. With over 5 years experience teaching one-to-one situations at a variety of schools, his commitment is unbounded!
• He values and understands the importance of music in peoples lives and strives to accommodate for any event or situation.
• He has plenty of gigging experience performing at various venues including the Opera House, Martin Street (charity event), playhouse, churches, pubs, functions (one on a boat), weddings, restaurants & private parties.
• He has been involved in several bands and setups including duos, trios, quartets and larger ensembles with various artists around Sydney.