
Ghadi Sleiman – Pianist & Male vocalist

*An interior architect, a painting passionate

*Studied contemporary piano and singing

*Currently majoring in Jazz performance at the Australian International Conservatorium of Music AICM

*Director of Music at the 70,000 parishioner congregation Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral Harris Park where he conducts 3 official choirs and organizes as well as performs in all major parish concerts and events

*Director of the Maronite Diocesan Youth Choir – Eparchy of St Maroun – Australia

*Endorsed by Yamaha Music as the leader of OLOL’s Choirs

*Performed for 7 years with the renowned 50-singer Qadisha Choir in Lebanon 1999-2006

*Performed with Qadisha Choir at the international festival of Ehdeniyat 2004

*Led the Band and Choir for the welcoming event of the WYD’s icon and cross to OLOL in 2008

*Led the Band and Choir for the very known Christian Vocalist Nizar Fares in his Australian tour 2013

*Led the Band and Choir for the very known Christian Vocalist Fr Hovig Boudakian in his Australian tour 2014

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